Please be advised that a consultant will be on campus the week of 1/29/2024 to continue evaluating building exterior entrances, including academic and Res Life buildings. This is intended to assist in our efforts to pinpoint accessible exterior entrances and note accessibility improvement opportunities. This evaluation process will NOT cause any schedule interruptions or closures. The consultant will be wearing attire that identifies them as staff of LCM Architects and they will be able to provide a letter documenting their purpose on campus as the need arises.
Impacted buildings are as follows: Archaeological Research Center, Art Annex, Baker Bookstore, Blair-Shannon House, Blunt Hall, Carrington Hall, Cheek Hall, Child Development Center, Clay Hall, Craig Hall, Ellis Hall, Forsythe Athletic Center, Foster Family Recreation Center, Freudenberger Hall, Garst Dining Hall, Glass Hall, Great Southern Bank Arena, Greenwood Lab School, Hammons Hall of Performing Arts, Hammons House, Hammons Student Center, Heitz House, Hill Hall, Hutchens House, Karls Hall, Ann Kampeter Health Services Hall, Kemper Hall, Kings Street Annex, Magers Health and Wellness Center, McDonald Arena, McQueary Family Health Services Hall, Meyer Library, Monroe Apartments, O’Reilly Clinical Health Sciences Center, Plaster Sports East Bleachers, Plaster Stadium, Pummill Hall, Scholars House, Siceluff Hall, Strong Hall, Plaster Student Union, Sunvilla FEMA Shelter, Sunvilla Tower, Transit Operations Facility, University Hall, Wehr Band Hall, Welcome Center, Wells House, and Woods House.