My name is Mike Foster and I am a first generation college student. I grew up in the Panhandle of Florida to a family who had lived in and around that area for about 200 years (literally). I was a decent student in high school, but not remarkable, and had no real intentions of ever going to college. My one distinction is that I had a decent singing voice. While I did often enough get letters from universities inviting me to visit their schools and/or attend their music programs, I never thought I was good enough. Thankfully, a friend of mine from my high school quite literally dragged me to audition for the show choir at the local community college.

Once there, I met professors who didn’t just tolerate me, but actually liked me; they invested in me. They took me under their wing and became mentors. I learned, made friends, found mentors, and had some fun along the way.
And it was more of the same when I transferred to an out-of-state, four-year university. Granted, the transfer itself was cumbersome. Some credits transferred, some didn’t; some went towards this major, some went towards that major, and ultimately it caused me to spend an extra year to complete a degree. But those three years were some of the best in my life. I made life-long friends who are now colleagues at other universities. I created mentor relationships that last still to this day. I have been able to live a life that the high school me never would have thought was possible.
It’s not an accident or a coincidence that you are here; you have earned it. And now that you’re here, we’re all part of the same team. Your success is our success.
Mike Foster, Professor
Theatre and Dance