Homecoming is an important tradition within the Fraternity and Sorority Life community. In 2017, members of the Interfraternity Council (IFC), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), and Panhellenic Association (PHA) councils had the opportunity to pick their own teams for the annual week of friendly competition. Judges from Missouri State University and the Springfield community determined the winner of each event, and gave appropriate points to teams who best applied creativity, brilliance, and diligence to each sect of the week.
In addition to the competition, members of the FSL community contributed to a total of over 6,000 pounds of canned food donations, as well as over 150 hours of voluntary community service. The 2017 Homecoming FSL winner was Theta Chi, with Sigma Kappa and Delta Zeta coming in 2nd and 3rd place, respectively. Winners of each individual event can be found below. Additionally, all 10 nominees for Homecoming royalty were members of the FSL community.

The National Pan-Hellenic Council also hosted the inaugural Homecoming Step Show with the Black Alumni Council. With over 300 in attendance, four teams from NPHC chapters and the student organization “Essence of Hip Hop” performed.
1st Place: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
2nd Place: Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
3rd Place: Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Banner Competition:
1st Place: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Chi, Xi Omicron Iota
2nd Place: Alpha Gamma Rho, Delta Zeta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta
3rd Place: Alpha Sigma Alpha, Delta Sigma Phi, National Pan-Hellenic Association, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Tau Gamma
Window Painting Competition:
1st Place: Alpha Gamma Rho, Delta Zeta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta
2nd Place: Sigma Kappa, Theta Chi
3rd Place: Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi Epsilon
Decorate Downtown:
1st Place: Alpha Gamma Sigma, Alpha Kappa Lambda, Gamma Phi Beta, Sigma Chi
2nd Place: Sigma Kappa, Theta Chi
3rd Place: Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi Epsilon
Chili Cook-Off:
1st Place: Sigma Kappa, Theta Chi
2nd Place: Alpha Omicron Pi
3rd Place: Alpha Chi Omega, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Pi
1st Place: Sigma Tau Gamma
2nd Place: Delta Zeta
3rd Place: Lambda Chi Alpha
Can We Build It?:
1st Place: Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi Epsilon
2nd Place: Sigma Kappa, Theta Chi
3rd Place: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Chi, Xi Omicron Iota
Yell Like Hell:
1st Place: Delta Zeta
2nd Place: Theta Chi
3rd Place: Lambda Chi Alpha
Field Day:
1st Place: Alpha Gamma Rho, Delta Zeta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta
2nd Place: Alpha Sigma Alpha, Delta Sigma Phi, National Pan-Hellenic Association, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Tau Gamma
3rd Place: Sigma Kappa, Theta Chi
Parade – Float:
1st Place: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Chi, Xi Omicron Iota
2nd Place: Sigma Kappa, Theta Chi
3rd Place: Alpha Chi Omega, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Pi
Parade – Decorated Car:
1st Place: Sigma Kappa, Theta Chi
2nd Place: Alpha Chi Omega, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Pi
3rd Place: Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi Epsilon; Sigma Nu, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Sigma Sigma Sigma
Parade – Walking Entry:
1st Place: Alpha Gamma Rho, Delta Zeta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta
2nd Place: Sigma Kappa, Theta Chi; Alpha Sigma Alpha, Delta Sigma Phi, National Pan-Hellenic Association, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Tau Gamma; Alpha Chi Omega, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Pi