Over the summer, many chapter officers and advisors had the privilege to attend national headquarters conventions. Attending a national convention gives students and advisors the opportunity to travel and connect with other members from across the country.

Alpha Chi Omega won a number of national awards, delivered from their headquarters due to their convention taking place every other year. Among their awards were Outstanding Fraternity/Sorority Advisor, recognizing Kate Roessler for her outstanding job as a “campus professional who supports and mentors the women of Alpha Chi Omega to seek the heights.”

Kate Roessler served the Missouri State community as Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority life for 4 years. Past Alpha Chi Omega President, Alyson VanWinkle stated “Kate was always a useful resource and an encouraging advisor to me during my term. She truly embodies a real, strong woman by her wisdom and devotion she shows her students and their chapters”. Their chapter was visited by Alpha Chi’s National President, Angela Costely Harris to present their awards during spirit week. They also celebrated winning the National Council Trophy for the second year in a row, which recognizes chapters who best exemplify the ideals and mission of Alpha Chi Omega. Alpha Chi Omega also received Outstanding Collegiate Advisor Award, recognizing chapter advisor, Brittany Gum, as well as Seeking the Heights: Risk Management.
Pi Kappa Alpha received The Robert Adger Smythe Award, which recognizes the top 10% of all 220+ Pi Kappa Alpha chapters across North America. This is the first Smythe award in Zeta Chi’s chapter history. Former Chapter President, Ethan Johnson added, “Achieving the highest award granted by our national fraternity is still surreal. It represented years of hard work that our alumni put forth in order for our chapter to be on Missouri State’s campus. It represented the hard work that active brothers put forth each day toward academics, the community, and our campus. To have been a leader during this time has been one of the most impactful seasons of my life, with memories that will last forever. I look forward to continued innovations in management and outreach from the brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha Zeta Chi in the coming years.”

Members of Alpha Delta Pi also attended Grand Convention this summer and were able to witness the rebranding of ADPi. The sorority has not been rebranded since 2001. President Jolie Quinn noted, “Grand Convention was a once and a lifetime experience! It was so much fun meeting sisters from all over. At Grand Convention, ADPi released our new brand, “Be the first.” It was such a positive environment as we released our new brand. It was so exciting being the first to see the brand surrounded by so many sisters.”