Coming into the 2021-2022 school year, there were many unanswered questions. Students, teachers, and faculty all stood in question on how this school year would differ from last school year. People wondered if the mask mandate would still take place, if classes would be in person, if we would have all of the normal events and activities that occur during the year, and ultimately if students would be able to stay on campus for the full year.
One thing that did remain constant from previous years was Panhellenic Recruitment. Recruitment took place on August 26th-29th. The first two days were online through Zoom, and the second two days occurred in person. Rebecca Neumann, Vice President of Panhellenic Recruitment, was responsible for planning and executing the recruitment process for both the new members and the active members. Maggie Fix, President of Panhellenic Association, was able to support and help Neumann with anything she needed.
“I thought of myself as the cheerleader or the manager,” Fix said. “Becca was the one running the show, I just made sure she felt supported and on track. We always had a really good time together, even though there were times that were stressful.”
Day one of recruitment is split into two days which consist of showing the potential new members of each of the eight National Panhellenic chapter houses, learning information about recruitment as a new member, and talking with women from each chapter. The second day was in person and the potential new members were able to go into up to five houses and have deeper discussions with the women in the chapter and learn about their sisterhood. The third day, the potential new members were able to speak with a maximum of two houses and have longer, more in depth conversations with the active members.
“I was so happy to have in person recruitment because I felt like I made a true connection with the girls I talked to in person,” new member Alyson Embleton said. “I feel like I would not have gotten the same connections if the whole thing was over Zoom.”
Following recruitment was bid day. Bid day was in person this year, allowing the new members to ‘run home’ to their new chapter. Over 450 women met at the north mall and were able to open up their bid cards at the same time. Once they were opened, the new members got to go celebrate with their new chapter at the chapter house. Panhellenic Association was very happy to have an in-person recruitment and bid day this year, and they hope to keep the in person activities going throughout the year.
“I was really happy with how recruitment went,” Fix said. “I think the numbers were identical to last year, even though we expected it to be smaller. Becca’s number goal was hit and i think everyone is super excited for her. I’m glad we got to do some of it in person and getting to see people go home on bid day instead of everything on zoom was really exciting. I’m hoping that next year things will fully return to normal.”
The Panhellenic and Fraternity and Sorority Life community are really excited about continuing in person events this school year and are looking forward to growing stronger as individuals and as a community.