Attached is the PowerPoint slides presented by Dr. Josh Smith at the February 15th CORE 42 Open Forum (slightly modified from February 5th Open Forum) CORE 42 Open Forum 2-15-18. There are slides describing the CORE 42 and its structure approved by MDHE and then how the structure and courses approved with Missouri Transfer (MOTR) numbers fit into the CORE 42. There are also example student situations to look at to consider.
Implementation of the CORE 42 in our 2018-2019 catalog with approved MOTR course designations in the catalog will be finalized by MDHE on March 31, 2018 for adoption. Students that take MOTR courses starting Fall 2018 have guaranteed transferability to any of the 27 Missouri Colleges and Universities.
Students that come into MSU Spring 2019 and following from another Missouri Public College or University and containing 12 or more credits will be placed on the CORE 42 curriculum to complete their general education requirements (if MSU General Education is a better option then CORE 42 students can request to be on the MSU general Education program).