Missouri State students are becoming aware that life is increasingly lived in a global context. The way we work and live, even in the U.S., depends on having global awareness and cultural competency.
The course “Introduction to Global Studies & Globalization,” or GBL 250, offers a general overview of what that means, exploring various trends and dimensions of globalization by focusing on geographic, cultural, political and economic aspects of the global community.
What is GBL 250?
This course provides an introduction to the ever-expanding field of global studies and international relationships. It is based on the seven global challenges proposed in the Global Engagement Initiative, sponsored by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities: population, resource management, technology, information, economic integration, conflict and security and governance.
Who can take this course?
The course is required for those majoring in global studies. Other students wanting to explore the major, preparing to study away or interested in broadening their horizons, should sign up for the course, as well.
What will students learn in the course?
The approach to this course is interdisciplinary, with particular attention to cultural, economic, political and social patterns across various global issues and institutions. The course explores a variety of topics and issues, including:
- Nationalism and the Westphalian system of nation-state sovereignty
- How international power structures are evolving through regional affiliations and powerful trans-national corporations
- Conceptions and consequences of international “development” with regard to the Laissez faire rules of free trade and the global economy
- Globalization of popular culture and consumerism
- Issues such as multiculturalism, environment, population growth, global health and information and technology
- Role of the international community in security and conflict resolution
How will students learn those things?
In this course we draw on contemporary films, multimedia resources and various articles and publications to discover and attempt to better understand the inter-connected world in which we — all 7 billion of us — live in and must learn to co-exist in as citizens of a global community.
How do I register for the course?
GBL250 is offered in the fall and spring semesters. Early registration for fall 2015 begins March 30 on MyMissouriState.