Applications for Graduation
Students planning to graduate this semester should apply for graduation ASAP. The application is available at
Important Faculty related funding deadlines
Guidelines and applications can be found at under “Faculty & Staff” – “Sources of Faculty Support”
- Faculty Research Grants: Proposals due in the Graduate College on September 26, 2011. Information and guidelines can be found at
- Summer Fellowships: Proposals due in the Graduate College on November 4, 2011. Information and guidelines can be found at
Important Student related funding deadlines
All guidelines and applications are on the Graduate College website.
- Aileen and Keith Ford Endowed Scholarship: September 15, 2011. Student must apply online through the Financial Aid Office (information at
- Basil and JoAnn Boritzki scholarship: September 15, 2011. Student must apply online through the Financial Aid Office (information at
- MSU Distinguished Thesis Award: October 3, 2011. Information can be found at .
- Thesis Funding: FA10deadline – October 7, 2011; SP11 deadline – tba. Information can be found at
Graduation Deadlines
- DUE NOW – – applications for FA11 graduation.
- November 28, 2011 – – Deadline for submission of a Thesis to the Graduate College.
- November 28, 2011 – – Deadline for submission of Seminar Report Form to Grad College (for programs requiring form).
- December 8, 2011 – – Deadline for submission of Comprehensive Exam Result Form to the Graduate College.
- December 16, 2011 – – Commencement (12:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.).
- 12:30 PM Ceremony: COAL, CHHS, CHPA, CNAS and Darr School of Agriculture
- 4:00 PM Ceremony: COBA, COED
Graduate College Orientation
The Orientations for Fall 2011 were held for all new graduate student on August 15 (215 in attendance) and for all new teaching assistants on August 16 (104 in attendance). Thank you to all those who were involved with the presentations as well as those who encouraged students to attend. Information from the event is now available on-line (i.e. PowerPoint presentation materials) at
Graduate Interdisciplinary Forum
The date for the 2012 will Saturday, April 14th. For pictures and information from the 2011 Forum, please see
Graduate College Showcase
This campus-wide recruiting event will feature representatives from all graduate programs. This year, the event will be Wednesday, November 9th 3:00 – 7:00 (overlaps with a GC meeting, so you can just go down the hall when we finish). Watch for more information, but start recruiting help to staff your table now.
Graduate Student Council
The GSC organizational meetings were held last week, and approximately 20 graduate students attended these informational sessions. Nominations were collected for the election of officers, their biographical sketches are on the Graduate Student Council webpage ( ), and ballots will be sent out next week to ALL graduate students. Please alert your students to watch for this email, and then to attend future meetings.
Graduate Student Workshops
Please RSVP at
- Degree Planning 101. Thursday, September 8, 2011, 3:00 – 4:30 p.m., PSU 315C. Speaker: Tom Tomasi, Associate Dean of the Graduate College and Biology Professor. This session will focus on how to plan your academic program (thesis or non-thesis) to ensure completion in a timely fashion. This workshop will also include hints on how to avoid some of the common pitfalls and set goals to ensure that there are no surprises in finishing your degree.
- Library Research. Tuesday, September 13, 4:00 -5:00 pm, Meyer Library, room 106. Speakers: Crystal Gale and Edward DeLong, Library Administration. Learn how to make the best use of Meyer’s catalogs and databases, and how to obtain or access those materials and resources not available on the Missouri State campus. We will provide an overview of library resources and services.
- Library Research – International Studies. Wednesday, September 14, 4:00 -5:00 pm, Meyer Library, room 106. Speakers: Crystal Gale and Edward DeLong, Library Administration. Learn how to make the best use of Meyer’s catalogs and databases, and how to obtain or access those materials and resources not available on the Missouri State campus. This version will be oriented specifically toward International students.
- Research- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask. Tuesday, October 11, 3:00 – 4:30 pm, PSU 315C. Speakers: Faculty from various colleges. This panel discussion will focus on the importance of research during graduate studies, as well as some practical pointers on how and when to get started.
- Career Search. Tuesday, October 25, 3:00 – 4:30 pm., PSU 315C. Speakers: Professional Staff from the Career Center. This presentation will include discussion on methods of searching for and finding the right career for you after graduation.
- Human Subjects in Research: What Do You Need to Know? Wednesday, November 9, 3:00 – 4:00 pm., PSU 315AB. Speaker: Dr. Joseph Hulgus, Chair of Human Subjects Institutional Review Board. For all students who plan to use human subjects in research, this session will provide pertinent information on university policies and procedures required for the use of humans in all types of research (experimental, survey, etc.).
- Animal Care and Use. Thursday, November 10, 3:00 – 4:00 pm., PSU 315AB. Speaker: Dr. Brian Greene, Vice Chair – Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC). For all students who plan to use animals in their research, this session will provide guidance on current standards for the handling and care of animals, as well as policies regarding biohazardous waste disposal.