…that perfectly captures the essence of the mission of Juanita K. Hammons Hall – to bring a wide variety of artistic experiences to the campus of Missouri State University and the community at large.
Last night’s Montana Rep performance of “Bus Stop” was wonderful – and was particularly enjoyed by a group of students from the drama club at Mt. Vernon High School, who had taken part in the acting workshop conducted by “Bus Stop” cast members earlier in the afternoon, watched the show, and then participated with great spirit in the Q&A after the performance.
Tonight, the Springfield Symphony has brought the amazing Vienna Boys Choir to the Hall – this group of young singers tours the world, carrying on a choral tradition that began in 1498! The Boys Choir of Springfield provided pre-concert entertainment, proving that we have many fine voices in our community, too.
Tomorrow, the Hall will be filled with young jazz musicians for the MSU Jazz Workshop, performance, and awards. And Sunday evening, it’s Oscar Night America at Juanita K. Hammons Hall, honoring the finest films and performances of 2010, including southwest Missouri’s own Winter’s Bone, and benefiting Isabel’s House.
If you have been a part of one of these events, we’re very happy that you participated in and supported the arts activities that go on here at the Hall – and we invite you to share your thoughts and impressions with us.