Hammons Hall staff members have spent the last three days at our Fall booking conference in Minneapolis, MN – checking out artists for our 2012-2013 season, networking with colleagues across the Midwest and Plains to work together to bring great performances to our markets, and attending sessions that deal with a wide variety of the hottest topics in our industry. It’s always interesting to focus on next year just as we are beginning the current season. Our planning starts now, so that as you join us for our 20th year of presenting great entertainment, you can be assured that we’re looking to the future for more of the same. We’re also sharing our experiences and learning from others as we navigate a world that has changed radically over our 20-year history, and continues to change rapidly. We appreciate the support of our patrons, donors and partners, and look forward to seeing you this year at the Hall, and planning the next season for you! Don’t forget to let us know what you especially like about our upcoming shows, or shows from the past – that helps us as we plan for the future.