Unwrapping Ancient Egypt is a two-part event taking place on October 19, 2019 at Missouri State University in Strong Hall. This event is open and free to the public, but registration is requested.
First, from 9am-4pm, the Second Missouri Egyptological Symposium will bring together nearly a dozen Egyptologists local to the Missouri region for an entire day of exciting presentations of new research, all relating to the theme of “Interconnectivity.” Interconnectivity is broadly understood to include interconnections between methodologies or research approaches, between ancient peoples in antiquity, and between the ancient past and today. Visit our website for speaker bios, a detailed schedule, and registration:
Second, an outreach event, sponsored by an Archaeological Institute of America grant, invites Missouri area teachers (and teachers in training) to Missouri State for a free educators’ workshop, from 12-2 on October 19. During this workshop, we will address the challenges inherent in teaching ancient history, and ancient Egypt more specifically, in our K-12 schools, and presenters at the symposium will share their favorite resources and curricular class plans.
This workshop is an invite-only event due to space restrictions, but there are still spots available! If you would like to attend, and are an in-service or in-training educator, please email Dr. Julia Troche, the event organizer at JuliaTroche@MissouriState.edu, to see if there are spots still open.