We understand there is some confusion and concern regarding the change in our dental network provider.
Our dental network provider during benefits enrollment was DHA. As of Jan. 31, DHA exited the market and is no longer supporting Missouri State in this capacity. This was very unexpected and required the university to work quickly with Med-Pay to engage a new provider. Connection Dental was selected because their network of dental providers includes a majority of the dentists currently used by Missouri State employees.
However, we recognize that there are employees whose dentist doesn’t appear in the Connection Dental directory. Med-Pay created direct contracts with Parkcrest Dental Group and Buzbee Dental after we recognized many employees use these services.
Should you have a plan of some sort (orthodontics, endodontic, etc.) with a dentist that was covered under DHA but does not appear on the list provided by Connection Dental, please contact HR at 417-836-5102 or Med-Pay to discuss in more detail. Dentists can apply to become a provider under Connection Dental.
The covered benefits under the plan are the same regardless of the dentist’s network status. You may still use your existing dentist even if they are not in the network, but you may be responsible for any amounts over the usual and customary allowance.
Finding a dentist through Connection Dental’s Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) USA
To review the list of dentists in the network:
You may also contact PPOUSA by phone to request assistance finding a dental provider: 877-277-6872. The dental provider may contact PPO USA regarding becoming a network provider in the Connection Dental network.
Direct Contracts with Parkcrest Dental Group and Buzbee Dental
As noted above, in addition to the new network, Med-Pay has direct contracts with two major providers in the area, Parkcrest Dental Group and Buzbee Dental. These providers will not be listed in the Connection Dental directory.
Med-Pay will continue communicating with additional dentists regarding the direct contract option. A listing of those providers will be posted on the Office of Human Resources website under Dental Insurance.
Identification cards
Med-Pay will continue with DHA pricing through the month of February in order to allow employees to receive their ID cards. New ID cards were mailed to employee home addresses last week. Employees who have medical and dental coverage, please watch for an envelope from MedTrak Services. For those with dental only coverage, the envelope will come from Med-Pay.
If you have any questions about your dental benefits, please contact Med-Pay’s Customer Service Department at 800-777-9087 Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. or Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:15 p.m., or the office of human resources at 417-836-5102.
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