Congratulations to 10 of our COM majors who were selected to be SOAR Leaders this summer–they will be 1/4 of all SOAR Leaders! They will represent for COM and I look forward to them recruiting tons of new majors for us this summer. Good luck to all of you!
1. Scott Turk: Socio-Political COM
2. Mindy Dilley: Ethical Leadership
3. Kyle Copeland: PR
4. Jon Jones: New major
5. John Stubblefield: Org COM
6. Jared Grimsley: Org COM
7. Alex Johnson: PR
8. Justin Melish: Socio-Political COM
9. Savana Stewart: PR
10. Lauren Terry: Socio-Political COM
QUESTION for you to ponder: Would you miss the burlap wallpaper in the Craig Hall 3rd floor rooms if it was gone tomorrow?
When I ask the COM faculty that question, they respond “H*&# NO! Get rid of it.”
But do those burlap walls mean anything? Do they represent your time here? Do they remind you of the experiences you had in your COM classes? Are they wrapped up with interesting conversations you had about political speeches, listening, interpersonal relationships, organizational culture, health campaigns, crisis communication?
I encourage as many of you to share what the burlap walls mean to you? (post a comment below)
Why? Because this summer, those walls will be transformed into clean white walls for the fall semester. That’s right, you heard correctly…the burlap is COMING DOWN! Starting this fall, the 3rd floor may become even more of a maze when all the classrooms become the same–eggshell write with a computer cart at the front and desks neatly in a row.
Are you interested in a career that involves public speaking, motivational speaking, or something similar? If so, I highly encourage you to look into applying for a National Speakers Association Scholarhip. They give away 4 awards per year at $5000 a pop! Check out their website for more information. I have scholarship applications in the COM office too, come on by to grab one. Deadline is June 1, 2010 (more than enough time to apply!).