As noted in previous posts applications for scholarship in Communication are due —REVISED–March 2, in Craig 375. There are five undergraduate and two graduate scholarships available this year.
Don’t miss this opportunity to apply for a scholarship–sure it’s money but it’s also a way to be recognized for the great work that you do. Scholarship recipients will be notified at our Annual Honors Awards Ceremony, April 22, in the PSU. In addition to receiving a fabulous plaque, the scholarships have a monetary award and range in value from $300 up to $1000. As they say, “if you don’t apply, you can’t be considered.”
If you aren’t sure if or how you should apply, talk to a faculty member about the scholarships and get their input on which one to apply for or how to write a strong application letter. The COM department office has graduate and undergraduate scholarship criteria and applications in Craig 375. They should also be found on the departmental webpage. Check in the office first. These are great opportunities to be rewarded for your excellence in the classroom as well as excellence in community engagement. APPLY NOW!
Tell me about your accomplishments in 2008!
Each year, we compile a list of all the research, teaching and service accomplishments in the COM department. So, I need to hear from you…tell me what kind of things you achieved last year as an undergraduate or graduate student at MSU so that I can include them in my report. There’s much to be proud of in this department and I want to include yours, so DON’T be shy.
Here’s what I’m looking for:
1. Perhaps you won a state, national, or international award? If so, please explain the award.
2. Did you have a conference paper or panel accepted for presentation at any level of conference (Sooners, Central, NCA, etc.)? If so, please submit the APA citation for that (your name, date, title, and where it was presented).
3. What research projects were you involved in last year with a COM or other faculty member? Please briefly explain the project and the name of the faculty member.
4. Other?
If at all possible, I’d like you to send this information to me electronically…by Friday this week. If it’s easier, copy and paste the lines from you vita or resume. I really want to include your accomplishments, so take a few moments and send me this information. Thank you!