September 15-19 is COM WEEK 2008: Get your Reality Check. We host this event every fall semester in order to provide students with an opportunity to get connected with alums who are willing to share their career and professional experiences with you. The year we’ve themed it around getting a “reality check” about careers and making it in the professional world. The idea is that as you attend the master classes or luncheon you get tips and strategies for “making it in the real world with a communication degree” by people with COM degrees who know what it’s like out there.
There are four master classes next week, Monday-Thursday from 3:30-4:45. Each class provides a unique opportunity to get one-on-one contact with local alums about career ideas, being a survivor in your first job, resume tips, etc. Each session is intended to be hands-on, a sort of training or workshop, to help you directly with developing career preparation. All classes are free, but we request that you register. We want to keep these classes small so that you can get one-on-one interaction with the alum. You may register the day of the session too.
Monday: Learn about the opportunities that a digital portfolio and other online networking strategies can provide you in making your application stand out! Drucilla Owenby, MS. Ed will conduct this session. She’s currently employed by Duck Creek Technologies, an online instructional and consulting company.
Tuesday: Learn from three COM grads about different career choices and paths for COM majors. This panel will discuss their experiences after graduation in getting jobs and making contacts with others. Dana Montgomery works for Guaranty Bank, Christopher Dixon is self-employed, and Sheila Boutwell is Campaign Manager for the The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Mid-America Chapter.
Wednesday: The Career Center provides many resources to students in getting their resumes together or practicing for job interviews. Valerie Turner (Communication Coordinator) will share her vast experiences regarding resume do’s and don’ts with students in this session. Students are encouraged to bring resumes to this session for review and feedback (not required though).
Thursday: Do you know what it takes to survive your first internship experience or job out of college? Come to this session to hear from a seasoned pro at negotiating new jobs and new situations. Lauren Lambert will share with students her experiences as a recruiter in health care as well as promotions and marketing. She also encourages that students bring resumes to her session for feedback.
If you have a class that meets during one of the master classes, you might ask your instructor about attending it as a whole class. If that’s not an option, then see about you attending and writing a short reflection on your experience with the master class or luncheon. It never hurts to ask.
Then Friday, we host the Networking Luncheon from 11-1 in PSU Ballroom East. Here you will have the opportunity to sit with alums and get their tips and advice directly. The lunch is$10 cost, but you also get a COM WEEK shirt, which are now available when your register in Craig 375. Please make plans to attend at least one or two of these events. The department covers most all of cost of these events for you (except the lunch, and you get t-shirt too) and alums are providing their services free of charge, so DO take advantage of these great opportunities for YOU to get some tips and advice on making it in the “real world.”
Let me know if you have any questions. REGISTER TODAY! You can register in Craig 375, or by email at, or by calling 836-4423. See you next week!