It may seem early in the semester to be thinking about graduation, but we know a lot of international students are preparing to graduate this December and next May. Have you considered your post-graduation plans?
If you’re planning on returning to your home country…
You have 60 days after graduation on your visa to return home. This is a great opportunity to travel or make arrangements for your trip home. Will you be living with family, or striking off on your own? Are you returning to your home city, or seeking work in another area of your home country? The job search can be intimidating, especially when you’re searching from thousands of miles away. We recommend checking out the Career Center for their tips and resources.
If you’re planning on seeking temporary work in the United States…
Optional Practical Training and Curricular Practical Training are options for many Missouri State graduates. The Office of International Services offers multiple workshops each semester to help students make the transition from school to work smoothly. These workshops are required for students who wish to continue living and working in the United States to help you maintain your immigration status.
If you’re planning on applying to graduate or post-baccalaureate studies…
We applaud you for continuing your studies at Missouri State University. The Office of International Services is here to help you move from your undergraduate studies to graduate or post-baccalaureate studies seamlessly. Did you know that even if you wish to continue your studies at Missouri State, your visa expires 60 days after you graduate? We’ll show you how to avoid being out of status and creating a headache for yourself at our Change of Level Workshops. We’ll also cover how to report those coveted graduate assistantships. These workshops are required for students who wish to continue studying in the United States to help you maintain your immigration status.
Regardless of your plans after graduation, we’re very proud of all our international graduates.