Tour of the Globe transforms the Morris Center downtown into a global bazaar for an evening, allowing the Missouri State and Springfield communities to experience the diverse cultures represented by our students at Missouri State. Students showcase their home countries with traditional dress, food, dancing, games, art, and more.
Key Details
- What: Tour of the Globe
- When: November 4, 5-9 p.m.
- Who: Open to all Missouri State and Springfield community members
- Sponsor: International Programs
- Tickets: Free and open to the public
- Download our flyer to print and post
Share the story
Help us spread the word about Tour of the Globe! It’s a great way to share the many cultures of Missouri State with friends in our local community. If you’re participating or planning on attending, share your experience.
Make your posts social media savvy
- Tag your post with #InternationalBears
- Whenever possible, tag
- If you would like to provide a link with more information, use International Education Week

Sample Tweets
- Experience the vast array of cultures represented by #InternationalBears at @MoStateGlobal’s Tour of the Globe
- Learn something new at Tour of the Globe! I’ll be representing #InternationalBears from India with @MoStateGlobal
- Join @MoStateGlobal Nov 4 to celebrate the diversity of cultures represented by #InternationalBears @MissouriState
Sample Facebook posts
- #InternationalBears will share their cultures Nov 1 at the Jim D. Morris Center downtown. I’m proud to be a part of the diverse community at Missouri State
- Experience the art, music, fashion, and food of many nations in the Jim D. Morris Center downtown this Friday, Nov 4 with International Services at Missouri State