October 1st is the National Day in China. The ceremonial events in China this year are even more special and exciting because it is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
At Missouri State, more than 170 Chinese students and employees sang the Chinese song “My Mother Land and Me“ in a touching video to express their love to their mother land. President Clif Smart and Vice President Dr. Jim Baker also sent their best wishes in the video.
In the meantime, 12 graduate education students from Ningxia University brought the celebration of the National Day to the Springfield community in the October Artwalk.
These students demonstrated calligraphy, taught guests about Chinese history and shared delicious tea from their home region. The “Welcome to Beijing” song could be heard throughout the building as students dance and sang throughout the evening.
The energy, excitement and talent the Chinese students brought to Missouri State ensured that all truly felt a part of the joy of China’s National Day.