This week’s LeaderBear is a Family and Consumer Sciences and Agriculture Education major from Michigan. When he came to Missouri State, James decided to join Pi Kappa Phi. He also got involved with Student Government Association, FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) Ed, and Block and Bridle. The next semester, he was able to take on his first leadership roles. He was Secretary of FACS Ed and Service Chair for Pi Kappa Phi. During that semester is when he completed the Commerce Bank Emerging Leaders program and was initiated into Phi Sigma Upsilon. Then during his sophomore year, he was elected to serve as the Vice President and President of FACS Ed. He also held the positions of Philanthropy and Housing Chairs, as well as IFC (Interfraternity Council) and GAMMA (Greeks Advocating the Mature Management of Alcohol) reps for Pi Kappa Phi.
He then ran for the executive board of GAMMA to apply some of the skills that he learned from Emerging Leaders. He was elected to serve as the Vice President of Programming and was able to hold two tournaments for fundraisers. During his term, GAMMA changed into FSLSA (Fraternity and Sorority Life Leaders of Social Awareness). He was able, with the help of the rest of the executive board, to bring the Clothesline Project to Missouri State.
Currently, James is Director of Social Awareness on IFC. He is able to take what he learned from Emerging Leaders and apply it to this position. One of the biggest things that he does for this position is serve as an advisor for FSLSA. How did our leadership program help prepare him for this role?
“One of the biggest things that I learned from these programs were my leadership strengths and the areas that I need to grow in. One of the biggest things that I learned from Emerging Leaders, was effective communication skills. I was able to further my verbal communication skills through the different sessions and activities that I participated in. I was also able to work with some other great leaders on campus.”
During Spring Break, James had the opportunity to attend his first Ability Camp. The Ability Experience, through Pi Kappa Phi, specializes in people with disabilities. Brothers of the fraternity from across the country join together in this event. This year James was at Camp ASCCA (Alabama Special Camp for Children and Adults). They were there making the camp more accessible to the campers. Some of the projects that the guys worked on were a fishing pier, hammock lounge, build new picnic tables, and tons of smaller projects.
While at the Ability Camp, James signed up for one of the summer programs that The Ability Experience offers, Build America. Next summer, 2016, he will be participating in a 6 week program, where he will go to 6 different camps for people with disabilities. While at these camps, James will be assisting camp councilors with their campers, as well as working on a project that the camp needs completed.
With all of this awesome work, we know James has some great advice for Missouri State students:
“Get involved and find your place at Missouri State. There is a place for every student here. Whether it be in Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Government, Student Activities Council, or any of our other 300+ student organizations.”