12 Teacher Education students joined College of Education Dean, Dr. Hough for dinner in Blair-Shannon Dining Center on Monday, November 20. The group was energetic and enjoyed meeting, interacting, and learning about the Dean of their College. Dr. Hough shared many stories about his family, children and grandchildren, and also shared some of his own experiences in the … [Read more...] about Teacher Education LLC Dinner with the Dean
Students from the Creative Minds Community went with faculty member, Paula Patterson, on a tour with Museum Educator Kate Baird. They talked through and interpreted the meaning of multiple pieces of art throughout the museum. They participated in multiple activities that allowed them to determine the deeper meaning of the art work they viewed in the museum and share deeper … [Read more...] about Creative Minds Art Museum Tour
Sky Zone Saturday, December 2 @ 11am Transportation is provided If you hare interested sign up by Thursday, November 30, 2017 by 4pm. Seats are limited. Sign up here: https://forms.missouristate.edu/ResLife/FWSkyZone.php Check us out online and follow us on Facebook Twitter and Instagram … [Read more...] about Fit and Well: SkyZone
Shattering the Silences: The Right to Pray: The Sun Dance, Factionalism, and Religious Suppression among Kiowa November 29 7:00pm—8:00pm Meet at Blair Front Desk at 6:45pm to walk over Check us out online and follow us on Facebook Twitter and Instagram … [Read more...] about Bears for a Just Community: Shattering the Silences
Global Presentation: How to Write a Resume and Ask for a Recommendation Letter Tuesday, November 28, 2017 @ 7pm Sunvilla 1003 Check us out online and follow us on Facebook Twitter and Instagram … [Read more...] about Global Community: How to Write a Resume and Ask for a Recommendation Letter