The reason I am working at the Springfield Regional Arts Council is through the contacts that I made during my time at the Academy. Without the Academy I may not have made the right connections to be working in the field that I studied for in college. The Academy is a life changing experience for not only the students, but also for those who make the Academy run. From the director to the professors to the resident assistants, all of us have an unbelievable passion for the arts and are able to provide an environment for those students who have equal passion for the arts. The Academy provides students with a challenging and positive outlet for their creativity. It is not simply a “summer camp”; it as a place to grow and nurture the future leaders of our state and our country. It will be a sad day in the State of Missouri if funding is cut to this vital program. —Leslie Dobyns-Forrester, MFAA Resident Assistant 2005-2007