The Missouri State University Men’s Chorus has been accepted through juried application and audition to perform at the Intercollegiate Men’s Choruses’ national seminar to be held March 17-19, 2016, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
More about the seminar
IMC is the primary organization for university men’s choruses in the United States and Canada. Its biennial seminar includes performances, reading sessions, interest sessions and student-conductor sessions.
What is the Men’s Chorus?
Founded in 2014, the chorus is open to male students interested in singing challenging music in a range of styles, and members come from diverse backgrounds and a variety of majors. The chorus performs concerts each semester in a variety of on- and off-campus functions, and performs in Grand Chorus. The ensemble also tours to area high schools and throughout the region.
Audition for the chorus
All students are welcome to audition; a broad range of men’s chorus repertoire is available. Audition information can be found on the website or by emailing Dr. Cameron LaBarr.