During Homecoming 2013, the College of Arts and Letters has invited alumni back to campus to speak to current students, their family, alumni, faculty and staff about how the arts and letters have impacted their lives and how Missouri State University laid the foundation they needed for success.

One of the alumni panels featured during Saturday of Homecoming weekend is Building Community – How the Arts and Letters Help Build Stronger Communities. A featured speaker from this panel is MSU alum, Jeff Carney.
Carney received his bachelor’s degree in music at MSU in 1975. Since then he has gone on to perform in opera groups all over the country from San Fransisco to New York. Carney became a father while living in New York and decided to come back to Missouri, to be a dad and raise his family.
But music was never far from his life. Carney is the former director of Springfield Regional Opera and continues to raise money to support the opera. He has also taken to acting in Springfield, now that his children are growing up.
He can’t wait to share his experiences with an MSU audience. “It’s great to be a part of a new Homecoming tradition. I’m flattered and excited. It’s time for COAL to be on its own track and influence its students so they can continue to grow and prosper,” said Carney.
Don’t miss him at the alumni panel in Coger Theatre, on Saturday, Oct. 19 at noon.