The hustle
Grab a double shot of espresso, skim through The New Yorker, write a creative brief and design a marketing campaign.
Inevitably, re-design that campaign and rationalize a second trip to the campus Starbucks.
Hi, I’m Casey Bierman, and in an abstract view, that’s my adventurous life here at Missouri State.
Living every day to its fullest and always contemplating what my statement will represent.
The bustle
As an advertising student, I like spending what little free time I do have romanticizing and dreaming about post-grad plans, like moving to New York City.
Of course, once there, I’ll land a job as a creative director.
After which, I’ll write a famous Super Bowl ad. Then become the king of Madison Avenue.
I can see it now, living a life of luxury in my 100 square–foot apartment.
The current
Life as an undergrad, revolves around my daily strolls to the campus library, Starbucks, and my kitchen, otherwise known as the official Zoom classroom.
I’m an avid reader interested in rip-roaring Stephen King tales and the passionate, historical stances made by Mary Wollstonecraft.
Buried in my love of reading there, too, lies an aspiration to write.
Last semester, I found myself writing a series of editorials that highlighted various advertising and economics topics, with a select few featured in the local newspaper.
However, now as an intern, I plan to use my skills to write blogs, ad copy, and fun film scripts for MSU’s Citizen Social Squad. Thus, making my senior year even more lively.
The future
In summation, my sights are grand, though I promise, I will never forget to remain grounded and remember that I’m a Bear first and foremost.
A Bear who strives to create inclusiveness, establish environments of respect, and objectively pursue an education into cultural competence.