Ashley Howell earned her associate of arts in teaching at the Missouri State-West Plains campus in 2015. She is now excited to be working towards her bachelor’s degree in elementary education at Missouri State-Springfield. Through Missouri State’s Outreach off-campus program she is able to remain in West Plains and work towards her bachelor’s degree at Missouri State-Springfield.
Ashley adds, “We begin with students all pursuing teaching professions. The great thing is that we begin the program together, we take all the same classes together and we move up. We’re a family and we study together. We all try to see each other through this program.”
Missouri State Outreach makes it convenient for students in West Plains, who earn an associate degree from Missouri State-West Plains, to transfer those credit hours to Missouri State-Springfield to complete their bachelor’s degree while living in West Plains.
Contact Deanna Smith, Outreach Coordinator at (417) 255-7777 to get started on your bachelor’s degree!