Missouri State Outreach hosted a multi-campus, two-day workshop to help elementary education students prepare for the Missouri Elementary Education Multi-Content Assessments. This workshop included students simultaneously attending at the Cassville, Lebanon, Neosho, Nevada, and West Plains campuses. Even some Springfield students attended sessions with local presenters.
The workshop was held on February 22nd and March 1st and included expert presenters on test-taking strategy and study skills, English language arts, science, mathematics, and social studies.
Outreach has made the presentations and resources, from this event, available within a Blackboard community which currently has over 200 users. If you are preparing to take the Missouri Educator Gateway Assessment-Elementary Education Multi-Content exams (subtests 007-010), and wish to be added to this community, fill out the online request form and submit.
Pictured: Materials as it was presented to multiple campuses delivered through a live classroom-to-classroom audio and video connection.