As education across Missouri shifts in the face of COVID-19, MSU’s Early College program offers students another way to learn.
Learn from home. Earn Missouri State college credit.
Early College online courses let high school students earn college credit. Early College courses are online independent study classes. Students can build their college transcript while still in high school.
Introducing more course options for Fall 2020
Students can enroll directly in the courses, unlike Dual Credit courses, where students register through the high school. So, these courses are also available to homeschool students not enrolled in a partnering school. Courses are also available to students in districts that do not currently partner with MSU for Dual Credit.
Affordable and valuable course options for students
- Pay $70 a credit hour plus an e-book fee.
- The Free and Reduced Lunch Scholarship can be applied to Early College courses (for those who qualify).
- Early College courses count towards eligibility for the $1000 Missouri State Advantage Scholarship.
Fall 2020 Courses
Early College currently offers three courses in this format. MSU hopes to add additional courses each semester, to further increase course options for students.
ECO 165 Microeconomics
Basic principles of economics with a particular emphasis on the nature and application of those bearing on decision making within a household, firm or industry; including consideration of problems respecting the composition and pricing of the national output, distribution of income, pricing and output of factors of production and foreign trade.
This course is required for business majors at Missouri State and most other universities.
Read the course catalog for more information. Text book cost: $108.99
THE 101 Introduction to Theatre and Drama Arts
The creative processes of transforming drama to stage, film and television. A study of the collaborations and contributions that the various artists make to the process. Intended to increase the audience’s ability to think critically about the artistic experience. Buying tickets to and attendance at local productions required. Find more information in the course catalog. Text book cost: $46.74
IDS 118 Enhancing Learning Techniques for College and Life
Designed for any student who wishes to develop stronger study and learning techniques such as note taking, test taking and preparation, time management, text study, memory and concentration. Cannot be used to satisfy any General Education Program requirement or any major or minor requirement. Cannot receive credit for both IDS 118 and RDG 107.
Note: This course is NOT a Core42 course, but it is valuable for students intending to attend college. Text book cost: $21.45
Ready to get started? Registration is open now.
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Early College