I’m not sure if you remember, but the moon almost completely covered up the sun August 2017. CNAS, with the support of Missouri State University, held an event, and we had a great time watching the solar eclipse.
The next solar eclipse Missourians will see is in 2024. In the meantime, other countries will get to experience this beautiful phenomenon.
To witness it safely, one must have special solar glasses. Some countries don’t have access to the most basic of needs, much less solar glasses.
Last year, we donated our glasses to Astronomers Without Borders, a company dedicated to sharing the sky with everyone.
After we donated our glasses, they were sent to an Arkansas astronomy team that checked each one to make sure they were in good shape and safe to use.
After that, they will be shipped to schools in Asia or South America, where solar eclipses will happen in 2019-20.
Now more people will be able to witness the solar eclipse. We’re excited to share science with others!