In this issue of “Clif’s Notes,” I want to review the Professor Salary Incentive Program, give an update on the budget, invite you to the State of the University address and provide other highlights as we begin the 2013-14 year.
Professor Salary Incentive Program
Provost Frank Einhellig and I have approved the recommendations submitted by the Professor Salary Incentive Program Committee. The guidelines, application form and an example of an evaluation tool is available on the Professor Salary Incentive Program website.
The provost’s office plans to offer workshops early this fall to assist professors who wish to submit an application. To be eligible, professors must have held that rank for at least five years. The applications will be due to the appropriate dean’s office by Friday, Dec.13. The first group selected will be announced late in the spring of 2014, with the salary incentive being added for fiscal year 2015 (starting July 1, 2014). More details will be forthcoming.
As you recall, this program originated with a recommendation from the Faculty Senate, and it was endorsed by the Executive Budget Committee. While we must wait for final action on our budget, we anticipate awarding a minimum of 20 this year.
Mind’s Eye
We have a new publication that focuses on the wide range of outstanding research and scholarly activities in which our faculty are engaged. The title is Mind’s Eye. The hard copy publication will be available for distribution in mid-September. I also invite you to view the stories and watch the videos online.
Our graduate programs, our significant research and scholarly activity, and our willingness to have students involved at both the undergraduate and graduate levels helps set Missouri State apart from many other institutions. Mind’s Eye is one way we can celebrate those achievements with each other and our various constituent groups, including prospective graduate students, prospective faculty members, alumni, state leaders, donors and others.
Work on the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) accreditations on the West Plains and Springfield campuses continue. The goal for both is to receive 10-year renewals: 2014-2024 for West Plains and 2015-2025 for Springfield.
West Plains
Missouri State-West Plains is entering the final stages of preparing its self-study for the HLC review. The final draft of the self-study will be presented to the West Plains campus community in October as well as to other constituent groups, the Springfield Administrative Council and the Board of Governors. The final report will be submitted to the Higher Learning Commission by the end of the fall 2013 semester. A team of evaluator/consultants will visit West Plains in April 2014.
In Springfield, HLC Accreditation Chair Tammy Jahnke has the steering committee at full strength with two new student members. The members have divided into subcommittees with specific tasks related to the accreditation, with the resulting reports to be submitted in draft form. Town hall meetings are being scheduled for late April for a wider discussion. The two goals for these meetings will be to note and celebrate the accomplishments since 2005, and to affirm that the strengths and challenges listed in the draft reports from the steering committees are the right ones to list. Information related to the Springfield HLC accreditation is online, including process, membership, committees, minutes of meetings, overall schedule, etc.
Veto session
The Missouri General Assembly’s veto session begins Wednesday, Sept. 11. Legislators will consider whether or not to attempt to override several of the governor’s vetoes from the 2013 legislative session.
We are keeping our eye on the outcome for House Bill 253 since the results could impact our budget not only for the current fiscal year but future fiscal years. You recall that the governor restricted about $3.1 million in core budget for Missouri State, plus the $1.325 million targeted to the occupational therapy program on the Springfield campus and expansion/enhancement of health programs on the West Plains campus. The governor has publicly said he will release all of these funds immediately if his veto is sustained. It is less clear what will happen if the veto is overridden.
We will know more when the veto session concludes, which could last up to 10 days.
State of the University address
I invite you to attend the 2013 State of the University address at noon on Thursday, Sept. 19, in the Plaster Student Union Theater. The title of the speech is: “Thinking Bigger and Bolder: The 8 Major Goals for 2013-14.”
Provost Frank Einhellig and I will share the podium to talk about the goals for the year and some key issues we anticipate. As you leave the speech, we plan to have copies of Mind’s Eye to hand out.
If you are unable to attend, I invite you to watch the speech via live stream, or to listen or watch it as it is replayed on KSMU and Ozarks Public Television. The speech also will be archived on the website along with the PowerPoint presentation.
I will combine with Chancellor Drew Bennett to present this address to the West Plains campus on Oct. 1.
Voluntary Benefits Program
Open enrollment for our new Voluntary Benefits Program has begun. You will have two weeks to enroll for any or all of these: vision insurance plan, critical illness insurance and accident insurance. We are pleased to offer these three new benefits which provide extra protection for you and your family.
Please watch for a more detailed email on this program and how to enroll from the office of human resources. In the meantime, more information is also available on the Human Resources homepage.
It is great to be back at work full-time. I am very fortunate. I feel good, the surgery was a success and I have been declared “cancer free.” I want to thank all of you who communicated your support and who kept me in your prayers. I appreciated it very much.
Taylor Health and Wellness Center has long been a point of pride for Missouri State. Under the leadership of long-time director Burnie Snodgrass, Taylor Health and Wellness Center developed into a full-service center and received national recognition for its excellent care for University students, staff and faculty.
Award and accreditation
Last year, the Taylor Health and Wellness Center Laboratory was awarded the prestigious Laboratory Excellence Award by the Commission on Office Laboratory Accreditation (COLA), a national healthcare accreditation organization. The laboratory received the award for its outstanding performance in quality patient care and overall exemplary application of the principles of laboratory practices. The honor is the highest commendation that COLA awards, given only to those health care facilities that receive a perfect accreditation survey.
In addition, the center was recently accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).
New leadership
After years of dedicated service, Burnie recently retired and the mantle of leadership for Taylor Health and Wellness was passed to Dr. David Muegge. Dr. Muegge received his degree from the University of Missouri School of Medicine and served as medical coordinator and staff physician for Taylor Health and Wellness Center since 2002. Prior to that, he had a private practice of internal medicine, beginning in 1980. During his time at Missouri State, Dr. Muegge has been instrumental in growing and expanding health and wellness opportunities at Missouri State.
Under Dr. Muegge’s leadership, Taylor Health and Wellness Center is expected to continue to be a point of pride for the students, employees and University in terms of quality, convenience and cost.