In This Issue: |
FCTL Upcoming Events
Where Can I Find Flippable Moments in My Classes?
A new program begins Monday, December 8
Flipped classroom strategies promote student engagement and increased student learning. But because flipping works well does not mean you should use it all the time. Barbi Honeycutt, NC State University, is a longtime advocate and expert in flipping instruction. She will share strategies for recognizing flippable moments and explain how to match them with the appropriate strategies.
Spring 2015 Digital Professor Academy Orientation
Dates/Times: January 26, 2015 @ 2:00–3:00 p.m.; January 28, 2015 @ 8:30–9:30 a.m.;
January 29, 2015 @ 3:30–4:30 p.m.
Location: Meyer Library, Room 204
The Digital Professor Academy (DPA) is a community of practice designed to support faculty who are developing and teaching face-to-face, online, or blended courses. The program is designed to assist faculty throughout the development process with the use of effective pedagogy and instructional design. The DPA also prepares faculty with best practice strategies for engaging, instructing, and communicating with students in the learning environment.
This orientation covers expectations for participants in DPA-001, Pedagogical Foundations, the first course in a two-part series. Moderated by the instructional designers in the FCTL, the focus of DPA-001 is to provide a collegial environment in which to equip faculty with the tools and processes for designing an excellent course.
Please register through My Learning Connection.
30th Showcase on Teaching and Learning
August 12, 2015

Exciting changes are being planned for the next Showcase on Teaching and Learning!
- Luncheon Keynote will be Dr. José Bowen, national award winning educator and author of Teaching Naked. TEDx Talk: Dr. José Bowen
- All sessions will feature collegial exchange and practical takeaways
- New morning session formats—50-minute Faculty Expert sessions, 75-minute hands-on workshops, and Professional Poster Sessions
- Afternoon workshop presented by our Keynote, Dr. José Bowen
- Showcase Conference Proceedings featuring academic white papers written by faculty presenters
- Call for Proposals will be in January
Contact the FCTL with questions at 6-8396.
Computer Services Presents
All Day Ask the Experts Blackboard Sessions
Dates: Thursday and Friday, January 8 and 9, 2015
Times: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. both days
Location: Meyer Library 205 Technology Training Center
In order to help the amazing MSU faculty get ready for the Spring 2015 semester, Computer Services will offer two full days of our Ask the Experts Blackboard Open Sessions. You will receive Blackboard assistance from one of our awesome Help Desk employees. These sessions don’t require any registration and are open to all who need help getting ready for the coming semester. See you next year!
See the Blackboard Blog to learn more about the great features in Blackboard. Don’t forget about all the opportunities for Blackboard training from Computer Services at the Help Desk website, and learn how you can become a Blackboard Black Belt while you’re there! Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter too!
Darr School of Agriculture
Student success is a primary goal of Missouri State University and particularly the Student Development and Public Affairs office. The SDPA is providing a series of spotlights highlighting Student Success programs in the colleges and departments across campus. If you have a Student Success program or story and would like to be included in this series, please contact Dr. Rachelle Darabi so we can share your story with the campus community.
Read this issue featuring the Darr School of Agriculture.
2015 Curtis P. Lawrence Excellence in Advising Awards
In recognition of outstanding academic advising, two Missouri State University Curtis P. Lawrence Excellence in Advising awards will be presented during the spring semester 2015. One will honor a faculty advisor, and one will honor an advisor who is a member of the professional staff. Each recipient will receive a $1500 cash award, presented at a reception to honor all Master Advisors.
To nominate an outstanding advisor, please submit the name by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 10 to Kathy Davis, Director of the Academic Advisement Center. Candidates may be nominated by current students, alumni or colleagues. Submit the name in an e-mail to Kathy Davis or send a note through campus mail. For more information, including qualifications and criteria for selection, refer to the Academic Advisement Center website.
Nominations Open for MSU Student Employee of the Year
Can you imagine running your area without student workers? Student workers are an essential component for smooth operations at the university. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, why not nominate your student employees for the MSU Student Employee of the Year?
All nominees are recognized at a reception. The 2015 winner receives a gift card and has their nomination forwarded to a regional, state and national level competition where they may win prizes and recognition. Being nominated for this award also looks great on a resume’.
The deadline for nominations is Monday, February 2. Nominations are being accepted now through the Student Employment website.
Isabel’s House Toy Drive
This year, Staff Senate is once again giving back to our community by sponsoring a holiday toy donation drive for Isabel’s House, Crisis Nursery of the Ozarks. The directors at Isabel’s House have requested that our drive consist of unwrapped new toys for children 12 years and younger. Donations can be dropped off at any of the locations listed on our web site. Toys will be collected and delivered starting at Noon on Tuesday, December 18, 2014. The last two years, MSU staff and faculty donated an entire truck-load of toys, and we hope to do so again this year!
Thank you for your generosity during this busy time of the year. If you have questions or are interested in hosting a drop-off location in your building, please contact Brian Edmond at 742-9438 (texting is okay).
New Portal for Campus Service Requests
Within the Administrative and Information Services Division, an Administrative Service Request Portal has been developed to provide better customer service and aid the campus community in knowing what process to go thru to submit requests for various services related to facilities. Historically there has not been clear direction on which department in AIS is responsible for what. With this portal, a user can evaluate the type of request they have and the portal will point them to the correct department to submit a request and the mode by which requests are accepted.
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