Diversity Lunch & Learn events for faculty and staff
Attend an open forum on specific topics related to the university setting. Share ideas and also learn from other faculty and staff. Feel free to come and go based on your schedule. Co-hosted by Adena Young-Jones and Lyle Foster
Topic 1: Kyler Sherman-Wilkins
Building a University Community in a Divided Nation
Wednesday September, 5 12:00–1:00 LIBR 204
Topic 2: Kelly Cabrera Hurtado
Working with International Students
Wednesday October, 3 12:00–1:00 LIBR 204
Topic 3: Justin Lozano and Kristeena Laroue
Disability Equity Week: Accommodations Process
Monday October, 29 12:00–1:00 PSU Ballroom East
Topic 4: Tuesda Roberts
Beyond ‘Buzz’ Words
Wednesday November 28 12:00–1:00 LIBR 204
Interested in being a diversity scholar?
Faculty who want to learn about diversity in the classroom are encouraged to apply for a $250 Diversity Scholar stipend. A limited number of stipends will be available.
See the diversity scholar flyer for additional program details and contact information.
What is the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning?
The FCTL supports teaching excellence for faculty at all levels. Check out the many support services offered by the FCTL to see how you can benefit.
Concerned about academic integrity of your online tests?
The University provides you with tools, Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor which can assist in ensuring test takers are less likely to cheat. Contact the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning at (417) 836-3059 to find out more about integrating these tools into your course.
Additional online training resources are available on the Respondus website.
The 2018-2019 common reader book talks
Join us for scholarly conversations centered around the University’s public affairs mission (Ethical Leadership, Community Engagement, and Cultural Competence) and theme of Unity in Community.
This year’s common reader is entitled “Lab Girl” by Hope Jahren. She is an American geochemist and geobiologist at the University of Oslo.
Register today at MyLearning Connection or contact the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning at 836-3059.
Discussion Part 2
September 12, 2018 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Meyer Library Room 204
Discussion Part 3
October 18, 2018 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Meyer Library Room 204
Mini-diversity workshops
Location for all sessions: Meyer Library 204
Registration: Please register through MyLearning Connection. For more information, contact the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning at 836-3059.
Workshop facilitator: Dr. Adena Young-Jones, Diversity Fellow
Workshop Session 1
Critical perspectives: Exploring the educator’s identity
As an educator, have you ever considered how ‘identity’ is interwoven into your work? This session will encourage reflection on how your presence dictates your approach and receptivity with students. Opportunities for immediate application(s) will be discussed in an interactive forum.
Monday, September 17, 8:30–10:00 a.m.
Thursday September 20, 3:30–5:00 p.m.
Workshop Session 2
Critical perspectives: Micro-aggressions in academia
Have you ever witnessed or experienced a micro-aggression on campus? This session will examine varying levels of micro-aggressions as it corresponds with intent/impact. Opportunities for immediate application(s) will be discussed in an interactive forum.
Monday, October 22, 8:30–10:00 a.m.
Thursday, October 25, 3:30–5:00 p.m.
Workshop Session 3
Critical perspectives: Assumptions on campus
Consider the impact of assumptions on perceptions and subsequent interactions with others. This session will allow you to converse in meaningful dialogues regarding miseducation and socialization. Opportunities for immediate application(s) will be discussed in an interactive forum.
Monday, November 12, 8:30-10:00 a.m.
Thursday, November 15, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Workshop Session 4
Critical perspectives: The university and social justice
Building on previous workshop discussions, contemplate your call to action for implementing socially just practices at the university. This session will prompt critical conversations regarding steps for progress. Opportunities for immediate application(s) will be discussed in an interactive forum.
Monday, December 3, 8:30-10:00 a.m.
Thursday, December 6, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Upcoming online course development boot camp
Online Course Development Boot Camp is an immersive-style workshop which will provide faculty with hands-on training and work time to develop an online course. At the end of the boot camp, you will have developed a significant part of your course and earn a badge which applies toward an online course certification.
The next session is scheduled for January 7–11, 2019. Email the FCTL to reserve your spot.
Not available to attend any of those sessions? Contact the FCTL to schedule an appointment with one of our instructional designers. You can work with them in a self-paced model around your schedule, and in most cases, complete your course by the end of the semester.
For more information, visit the FCTL website.