Faculty write program 2018–2019
Times: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Location: LIBR 204 (FCTL)
Facilitator: Dr. Etta Madden
The Faculty Write Program focuses on promoting faculty productivity and camaraderie through writing-based experiences such as interdisciplinary writing retreats held twice a month, workshops, and 10-day writing challenges. Writing retreats include lunch, opportunities to develop a strong network of peer support and accountability, and voluntary feedback sessions.
Register today through the MyLearning Connection. Contact the FCTL at 836-3059 if you have any questions.
View all program dates for 2018-19
Diversity lunch and learn events for faculty and staff
Attend an open forum on specific topics related to the university setting. Share ideas and also learn from other faculty and staff. Feel free to come and go based on your schedule. Co-hosted by Adena Young-Jones and Lyle Foster
Topic 4: Tuesda Roberts
Beyond ‘Buzz’ words
Wednesday November, 28 12:00–1:00 p.m., LIBR 204
Mini-diversity workshops
Location for all sessions: LIBR 204
Registration: Please register through MyLearning Connection. For more information, contact the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning at 836-3059.
Workshop facilitator: Dr. Adena Young-Jones, Diversity Fellow
Workshop Session 3
Critical perspectives: Assumptions on campus
Consider the impact of assumptions on perceptions and subsequent interactions with others. This session will allow you to converse in meaningful dialogues regarding miseducation and socialization. Opportunities for immediate application(s) will be discussed in an interactive forum.
Thursday, November 15, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Workshop Session 4
Critical perspectives: The university and social justice
Building on previous workshop discussions, contemplate your call to action for implementing socially just practices at the university. This session will prompt critical conversations regarding steps for progress. Opportunities for immediate application(s) will be discussed in an interactive forum.
Monday, December 3, 8:30-10:00 a.m.
Thursday, December 6, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
What is the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning?
The FCTL supports teaching excellence for faculty at all levels. Check out the many support services offered by the FCTL to see how you can benefit.
Upcoming online course development boot camp
Online Course Development Boot Camp is an immersive-style workshop which will provide faculty with hands-on training and work time to develop an online course. At the end of the boot camp, you will have developed a significant part of your course and earn a badge which applies toward an online course certification.
The January 7–11, 2019 session is full! Another session will be held May 20–24, 2019. Email the FCTL to reserve your spot.
Not available to attend any of those sessions? Contact the FCTL to schedule an appointment with one of our instructional designers. You can work with them in a self-paced model around your schedule, and in most cases, complete your course by the end of the semester.
For more information, visit the FCTL website.
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