Request for proposals — faculty research grants
Spring deadline — Friday, February 1, 2019
These grants are one-year (max $7500) of funding. The grants support new research, creative or scholarly activities or for high quality projects not likely to receive external funding. To be eligible, a person must:
- Be a ranked faculty member;
- Have submitted the final report for his/her previous FRG to the Graduate College prior to last February 1st;
- Not received a summer fellowship for 2019 from the Graduate College, and
- Remain with the University for a year after the project is completed.
For more information, see the faculty research grant webpage. If you have questions, contact the Graduate College (836-5335).
Request summer 2019 graduate teaching assistant funding
Forms due Friday, February 15, 2019
The Graduate College will send a form to be used to request funding from the Graduate College for summer graduate teaching assistants to each Dean and Department Head the middle of January 2019. The form must be used when making a request for this funding. You must describe:
- The duties (i.e., grading, lab-set up, lecture) that each GTA will perform and the number of weekly hours each duty will require;
- List the courses that each GTA will support and indicate last summer’s enrollment or this summer’s projected enrollment;
- Indicate how many student credit hours will be directly generated by the GTA; and
- Provide the name of the supervising faculty member(s) for each GTA.
This source of funding is only to support teaching. The 2019 Summer Graduate Teaching Assistant Request Form will be due into the Graduate College no later than February 15, 2019. Awards will be made by the first part of March 2019.