We invite you to attend the 35th Showcase on Teaching and Learning on August 12th as a live virtual event. We have experienced some extraordinary times the past few months that have required to think differently about our teaching and even gathering together as one large community. But with these challenges also come opportunities and we invite you to share in some of these on August 12th.
This year’s sessions will focus on topics that are even more relevant to our times and provide strategies helpful in preparing for fall semester. Here are just a few of the sessions you’ll find at Showcase this year.
“How Does That Work?” Practical Ideas for Creating an Online Flipped Classroom
Join faculty from Social Work as they share how they created a meaningful online flipped classroom experience for their students. Practical ideas for utilizing Blackboard to increase engagement will also be provided.
Strengthening the Role of Communication in the Classroom Setting
Join Dr. Aida Hass-Wisecup as she provides tools and strategies she used to enrich dialog and communication between faculty and students as key components of the instructional learning process.
Teaching Interrupted: Quick Fixes and Longer-Term Solutions
This faculty panel will share some of the things they did during the Spring COVID-19 shutdown and share ideas that could be helpful if faced with a similar situation.
Please register for the 35th Showcase on Teaching and Learning through MyLearning Connection. By registering you will be included on a mailing list to receive program updates and information on how to participate on August 12th in the virtual event.