Date: Wednesday, August 18
We very excited to have Dr. Bryan Dewsbury as our keynote speaker. Dr. Dewsbury will be ‘zooming’ with us from Miami Florida where he is an Associate Professor in Biology at Florida International University. He is also a Fellow with the Gardner Institute where he assists institutions of higher education to cultivate best practices in inclusive education. Dr. Dewsbury’s research focuses on the role of equity, social bias, and how identity constructs affect student engagement and learning outcomes.

Equity and the Higher Education Classroom
12:30 pm Keynote: Dr. Bryan Dewsbury
Teaching Students: Strategies for the Cultivation of the Individual
Special Workshop (1:30-3:00 pm) presented by Dr. Bryan Dewsbury
Among his many publications is Deep Teaching in the STEM classroom (2019) where he describes a model for Deep Teaching that incorporates inclusive teaching practices and improves retention of underrepresented minority students from STEM majors. (Dewsbury, B. (2019). Deep teaching in the STEM classroom. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 15(1), 169-191. DOI: 10.1007/s11422-018-9891-z)
Please register through MyLearning Connection.
View Dr. Dewsbury welcome video