Thesis and non-thesis funding available
Faculty, please remind your graduate students that the deadline for fall thesis and non-thesis funding is Friday, September 30, 2022.
Applications for fall 2022 thesis/non-thesis funding
The intent of thesis and non-thesis funding is to support student research and provide financial assistance toward the costs incurred in their thesis or non-thesis projects. The thesis award averages approximately $500 for each thesis project. The non-thesis award averages approximately $250 for each project. The deadline for fall 2022 to submit an application is September 30, 2022. All applications must include information requested on the application form. Incomplete and late applications will not be processed. All applications must be submitted electronically to the Graduate College.
Request for faculty research grants proposals
The Fall deadline is Monday, October 3, 2022 (since October 1st falls on a Saturday).
These grants are one-year (max $7500) of funding. The grants are to support new research, creative or scholarly activities or for high quality projects not likely to receive external funding. To be eligible, a person must:
- Be a ranked faculty member
- Have submitted the final report for his/her previous FRG to the Graduate College prior to last
October 1st - Not received a summer fellowship for 2022 from the Graduate College, and
- Remain with the University for a year after the project is completed.
For more information, visit the FRG webpage. If you have questions, contact the Graduate College (836-5335). Please note: The new application procedure is through Dynamic Forms with the link provided on the FRG webpage under the heading “Application and Format.”
International travel grants
The deadline for International Travel applications is Monday, October 17, 2022 (since October 15th falls on a Saturday).
The funding is to support faculty international travel that will “advance the university mission, in a manner related to the research of the faculty member.” This funding is provided to support faculty presentation of research. The International Travel award provides up to $2,500 to the recipient. This is a one-to-one match with funding secured by the applicant. Eligible faculty who choose to apply for an International Travel Award should be cognizant of the competitive nature of the process and be aware that not all applications may be funded. A Foreign Travel Authorization form must be completed and approved PRIOR to traveling, and the Dean and Department Head will take into account any COVID conditions or other travel restrictions in the country the faculty member proposes to visit. Please see additional details on the Graduate College website.
Request for Summer faculty fellowship grant proposals
The deadline for Summer Faculty Fellowship proposals (SFF) is October 30, 2022. Since this date falls on a weekend, applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 31, 2022.
The function of this Fellowship is to allow faculty members engaged in research or in creative activities to devote intense thought and activity to a single project. The Summer Faculty Fellowship provides a $6,000 stipend to the recipient (this is taxable income). Projects which involve consulting activity, the production of teaching aids, enhancement of teaching skills, practice of professional skills outside the academic environment, “retooling” for new teaching assignments, development of Internet courses or other curriculum development activities, will not be considered.
To be eligible Faculty members must:
- Have the rank of Assistant Professor and above with a research commitment;
- May not teach summer courses or have outside jobs during the tenure of the fellowship;
- Must be returning to Missouri State University for the following academic year;
- The same project cannot be funded by another internal grant source;
- Cannot directly precede or immediately follow an academic year during which a sabbatical has been approved/taken;
- If you have previously received a Summer Faculty Fellowship, you must have applied for an external grant; and have submitted a final report.
Eligible faculty who chooses to apply for a Summer Faculty Fellowship should be cognizant of the competitive nature of the process and be aware that not all proposals can be funded.
For more information, see the SFF webpage. If you have questions, contact the Graduate College at 836-5335.
Submit a nomination for the Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award & MAG nominee
The deadline to submit a nomination for the Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award & MAG Nominee is October 1, 2022 (If October 1 falls on a weekend or holiday, nominations will be accepted on the next working day). Read about eligibility requirements and nomination procedure on the Graduate College website.
Orientation schedules for graduate students and teaching assistants
New Graduate Student Orientation
Monday, August 15 in PSU Ballroom East
New Teaching Assistant Orientation/Training
Tuesday, August 16 in PSU Ballroom West
Any teaching assistant who has not previously attended this training is required to attend.
Attend the three-minute thesis competition
The three-minute (3MT) thesis competition is scheduled for Friday, November 4, at 5:00 p.m. in Glass Hall, Room 101. Check out the Graduate College website for competition details.
Graduate student travel funding available
Missouri State University offers a number of special funding opportunities for graduate students including thesis research, non-thesis research, and student travel funding. Graduate student travel funding is available for the graduate student to present their thesis/non-thesis research at a designated conference. Applications should be submitted 30 days prior to the travel date to the Graduate College.
For more information, visit the graduate college website. If you have questions, contact the Graduate College at 836-5335.
Important information for graduate assistants
- It is the Department’s responsibility to ensure that the GA/RA/TA has signed and returned the Graduate Assistant Employment Form to the Graduate College prior to the GA/RA/TA beginning work (the person who submitted the GA Bear PAF in the system can go in and check to make sure that the PAF has been completed and is in HR status).
- It is the Department’s responsibility to ensure that the GA/RA/TA has completed all required Compliance Training and provided copies of their completion certificates to the department. This also applies to the time sheet requirement for the GA.
- Please see the BEAR PAF procedures for upcoming GA appointment or reappointment deadlines for Academic Year 2022–2023.