Plan to visit the new home of the Office of Public Affairs Support! The PAS staff completed their move before the winter break from their long-time home in Meyer Library to the Plaster Student Union, room 131. Yes, they are located just behind the Starbucks!
Director, Mary Ann Wood states, “we are thrilled and plan to take advantage of the increased visibility our office has to students and the campus community.”
Fostering a Shared Sense of Purpose
The public affairs mission defines a primary way in which an education at Missouri State University is different from that of other universities. The Office of Public Affairs Support is committed to embodying and promoting this mission through the creation of unique programming, services and resources for students, the campus and area community. Its team led by Mary Ann Wood, Director, and Stacey Trewatha-Bach, Assistant Director work to foster this shared sense of purpose to strengthen collective efforts as a university and align with common community goals.
Championing Student Success
As just one component of student success, the Office of Public Affairs Support focuses efforts to help students feel they are a part of a larger mission here at Missouri State and share with each other a common public affairs goal. Integrating the three pillars of public affairs into both curricular and co-curricular programming, the office assists students lead ethically, contribute to community and respect multiple perspectives and cultures.
Office of Public Affairs Support | PSU 131 | 417-836-8832