If you have read about the best student loans, you know that Direct Federal student loans as well as Perkins Loans tend to be the most affordable loan options. In order to obtain these funds, it is required to complete an entrance counseling program. So, how do you complete entrance counseling? Well, just follow the steps below.
Federal Stafford Loans (Direct Subsidized Loan & Direct Unsubsidized Loan)
- Go to StudentLoans.gov. (right click and open the link in a new tab/window)
- Click the Sign in button.
- Click the Complete Counseling link.
- Under the entrance counseling section, click the start button.
- On the next section, specify where to send your completion status.
- School State – Missouri
- School Name – Missouri State University
- Click notify this school
- Select student type – Select the undergraduate (a 4 year degree) or graduate degree (beyond undergraduate) if that is your current status.
- Make sure to complete the questions (personal questions can be estimates) on each section and READ the information. There is lots of useful information on this form.
- Click the Continue button on the first 4 pages.
- On the last page, you should click the “Submit Counseling” button.
- Make sure to complete the Master Promissory Note (it’s where you found step 3).
- Go to my.missouristate.edu to check other requirements that must be met
(Click profile financial aid student requirements aid year)
Perkins Entrance Counseling
- Go to the Missouri State University’s Perkins Entrance Counseling. (right click and open the link in a new tab/window)
- Make sure to complete the questions (personal questions can be estimates) on each section and READ the information. There is lots of useful information on this form.
- Complete the borrowing information:
- Personal contact information
- Social Security Number
- Driver’s License Number
- Spouse & Parent contact information (If applicable)
- Contact information of 2 references.
i. They must each have a different address.
ii. They can’t reside at the same location of your spouse/parent.
- Click the “Submit Your Information” link.
- After the information is submitted, you will typically be notified by Missouri State University’s financial aid department within a week. They will tell you where you need to go to sign your promissory note.
- Go to my.missouristate.edu to check other requirements that must be met
(Click profile financial aid student requirements aid year)
After you have completed all the student requirements, the financial aid funds will generally be credited to your account within 3 business days or after the first week of classes (whichever one is later).
If you have any other questions, feel free to talk to one of the REAL L.I.F.E. peer financial counselors in Carrington 419.
Note: ONLY BORROW THE MONEY YOU NEED! Scholarships and grants are great alternatives that don’t require repayment!
Written By: Daniel Senn