Good news for Student Loan Borrowers! Some big reform is coming in regards to student loans. It is called the "Pay As You Earn" program and is aiming to help student loan borrowers with massive amounts of student loan debt. Let’s answer some big questions about this new program: 1. Will these updates help me? If you have federal student loans, maybe. The president … [Read more...] about Good news for Student Loan Borrowers!
If you have read about the best student loans, you know that Direct Federal student loans as well as Perkins Loans tend to be the most affordable loan options. In order to obtain these funds, it is required to complete an entrance counseling program. So, how do you complete entrance counseling? Well, just follow the steps below. Federal Stafford Loans (Direct … [Read more...] about How Do I Complete My Student Loan Entrance Counseling?
Let’s face it, college is expensive. Luckily, college students have a variety of options that will allow them to finance their education. Of course, an ideal situation would be for college students to avoid debt completely by utilizing scholarships, grants, and personal funds. Unfortunately, that scenario isn't realistic for the majority of college students. Therefore, … [Read more...] about What are the best types of student loans?
I bet you’re wondering “How can she get me more money for school?” Well I have a couple websites that provide thousands of dollars toward scholarships for students like you and I! I’m sure many of you are familiar with what a scholarship is but in case you are little unsure or need a better idea of how they work I’ll proceed. A scholarship is a grant or payment … [Read more...] about Need Money? I Can Help!
Greetings from the Office of Student Financial Aid As spring semester is coming to an end, we want to take the opportunity to update you on federal financial aid changes for the 2012/2013 and successive academic years before you leave for the summer. Affective fall 2012, new federal regulations dictate that graduate students will no longer be eligible to borrow from the … [Read more...] about ATTENTION GRADUATE STUDENTS!