In April R.E.A.L. Bears elect new officers for the coming academic year. This year we have three returning officers and four new faces to add to our executive council line up. Read on to learn a little bit more about our new and returning faces.

President is Kenneth Rowey. He is a senior marketing major with a minor in supply chain management. Kenneth was Philanthropy Chair last year.
Vice President is Hailey Roush. She is a junior in the Kinesiology department. Last year she was Social Chair.
Secretary is Nafisa Bangura. She too is a sophomore in the Kinesiology department. Nafisa joined R.E.A.L. Bears in the fall and this is her first time on executive council.
Historian is Rachel Henady. She is a sophomore in the Childhood Education and Family Studies department. Rachel also joined in the fall and is new to the executive council.
Social Chair is Jasmine Carter. She joins us from the Biomedical Science department and is a junior. Jasmine was recruitment chair last year.
Philanthropy Chair is Sarah Hassan. She is a sophomore in Kinesiology. Sarah is also joining the executive council for the first time and joined in the fall.
Recruitment Chair is Brandon Alejo-Morgan. He will be a junior in the marketing department. Brandon joined in the fall and this is his first time on executive council.

Please comment below to welcome our new and eager leaders!