Graduate Students
Two M.S. Geology candidates, Joe Lane and Sarah Prost have each been awarded $4,000 by The American Federation of Mineralogical Societies in recognition of their continued education and to support their career choice of the Earth Sciences. They will be officially recognized at the 55th Annual Ozarks Gem & Mineral Show, October 22 – 23, at the Springfield Expo Center.
Sarah Rasor, Geology candidate has been awarded a Missouri NASA Space Grant Consortium Fellowship. The fellowship will fund Sarah for the 2022 – 2023 academic year for thesis research on the Uturuncu Volcano in the Bolivian Central Andes volcanic zone.
César Bucheli Olaya, Geology candidate has been awarded the GSA Lipman Research Award. César’s thesis is exploring how volatiles trapped in minerals can inform on eruption style in the Central Andes. He has also been selected for the Geological Society of America, On to the Future Program, which will allow him to attend and present at the 2022 Annual Fall GSA Meeting in Denver, October 2022.
Nathaniel Lenhard, Geology candidate has also been awarded the GSA Lipman Research Award. Nathan is using mineral chemistry to determine the source and timescales of magmatism at the Ollagüe Volcano in Chile.
Undergraduate Students
Ramona Gomez, B.S. Geology has been awarded a GSA Student Research Grant providing $750 toward research and $250 travel funds to attend and present at the Geological Society 2022 Annual Fall Meeting in Denver, October 2022. Ramona is studying the Springfield Plateau unconfined groundwater provenance, a karst aquifer that extends over southwestern Missouri and parts of Oklahoma and Arkansas.
Geography, Geology, and Planning Scholarships
Barbara J. Lucks Scholarship: Madalyn Bass, Individualized Geography and Geology.
Bill and Maret Cheek Scholarship: Joshua Anderson, Geography. Allison Gargus, Geography. Alexander Leonard, Community and Regional Planning.
D. Kent Smith Memorial Scholarship: Elizabeth Jones, Geology.
Fagerlin-Johnson-Moeglin Field Studies Scholarship: Dorian DeHart, Geology. Kagan Froning, Geology. Morgan McDoulett, Geology. Oluchi Nweke, Geology. Sarah Sommer, Geology.
Fred and Diane May Planning Scholarship: Alexander Leonard
Jim K. Bass Field Studies Scholarship: Grace Chalfant, Geology. Logan Chastain, Geology.
Kenneth C. Thomson Memorial Scholarship: Michael Paul, Geology.
Milton D. Rafferty Scholarship Fund: Joshua Anderson, Geography. Allison Gargus, Geography. Alexander Leonard, Community and Regional Planning.
Vincent E. Kurtz Scholarship: Warren Meservey, Geology.
Warren C. and Vivian M. Rauch Memorial Award: Jaren Schuette, Geology.
The Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning is grateful to all of the professional organizations and donors who support our students. Congratulations, everyone!