Looking at one rock isn't going to help a budding geologist learn. That's why geology, geography and planning (GGP) make it a point to study as many geologic settings as possible—even if that means trips to other states. "GGP has a long history — over 40 years — in the department of packing up students and faculty and going somewhere to see different rocks than one can see … [Read more...] about Don’t hide under a rock
What do the Ozarks have in common with Yellowstone National Park? Some would say they both hold great meaning. Dr. Judith Meyer, geography program coordinator in the department of geography, geology and planning, studies the meaning of a place. Meyer says knowing the sense of a place is how one makes big decisions on how the land is used. Learn more about … [Read more...] about A place for meaning
Mt. Everest: Many want to go, few make it. When one thinks of Mt. Everest, one thinks of the beauty and wonder of Earth's highest mountain. Many forget the dangers that go along with the pretty picture. Missouri State alumnus Grant Spoering, staff member Jess Nandi, and geology graduate student Sourav Krishna Nandi decided to take the risk and trekked to Nepal … [Read more...] about Exploring Everest and beyond
We're discovering new things about the Earth every day. We record new data and delve a little deeper to make new discoveries. One area that lacks data is Bhutan. Situated next to Nepal in Asia, Bhutan has never had detailed geophysical data collected before. Dr. Kevin Mickus, distinguished professor of geology, is trying to fix that. Each year, Mickus treks to … [Read more...] about Digging into the data
Cox College is receiving a $2.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce. Cox College funding Due to the shortage of nurses in the area, money will be allocated for facility updates and accommodating growth. Cox College can train about 465 new nurses in nine years with this grant. “The collaborative efforts of local leaders will allow for new healthcare … [Read more...] about Cox College awarded $2.2 million