3 SMAT faculty/staff members along with almost 30 undergraduate athletic training students are preparing for a trip this Saturday, February 1 2014, to the campus of the University of Central Missouri to attend the Missouri Athletic Trainers’ Association (MOATA) Educators and Athletic Training Student Conference. This is the 2nd annual MOATA Educators and Athletic Training Student conference with last year’s conference being held on the campus of William Woods University.
This year, educators from most accredited athletic training programs in Missouri are coming along with over 170 undergraduate students! The SMAT faculty/staff and students are excited for many great sessions. All 3 of the SMAT faculty/staff have the opportunity to represent the department as they are scheduled to lead sessions throughout the day. Dr. David Carr will be leading a combined morning session titled ‘Evidence Based Medicine Introduction and Collection of Data’. Dr. Tona Hetzler will be leading an afternoon student session titled ‘Functional Movement Screening’. Finally, Kristin Tivener will be leading an afternoon student session titled ‘Applying Social Excellence Theory to Maximize Your Impact on Athletic Training’.

Late in the afternoon, all students and educators will gather for the Quiz Bowl. This year’s SMAT Quiz Bowl team includes; Spencer Thomas, Jenica Paulsen, and Karen Kline. Good luck team!
The SMAT faculty/staff is looking forward to spending a great day with our students and meeting other students/educators from all over Missouri. We look forward to the opportunity to share follow up information about the conference soon!