Take a moment to learn more about Sigma Lambda Gamma, the university’s first multicultural Greek letter organization!
What is Sigma Lambda Gamma? Can you share a little history of the organization? Sigma Lambda Gamma (SLG) is a national multicultural sorority that is committed to empowering womxn and influencing the global community. The organization was founded on April 9th, 1990 at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa by our five founding mothers. We were founded as a sorority for Latina women, but grew into our current multicultural sorority status. Our sorority motto is “Culture is Pride, Pride is Success”. You can find the national organization on Instagram with the handle @sigmalambdagamma and on Facebook as Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. You can find the Missouri State University Chapter on Instagram with the handle @missouristategammas and on Facebook as Missouri State Gammas.

Why is it important that we now have Sigma Lambda Gamma on campus? What was the process to bring the organization to campus? Sigma Lambda Gamma is Missouri State University’s first multicultural Greek letter organization! SLG creates a space where all womxn are welcome and included, and exists outside of the current Greek councils on Missouri State’s campus. Our sisterhood promotes the empowerment of all womxn and represents many different cultures and perspectives, which makes us stand out in the current Missouri State Greek community. We are hoping that more multicultural organizations will follow so that a Multicultural Greek Council can form. The existence of a Multicultural Greek Council would help create another space for students in Greek life to find their home.
This chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma started out as an interest group called P.I.N.K.. The interest group went through the national petition process to establish an Associate Chapter on campus. All of the womxn went through the education process to become sisters of SLG and are now working to petition for full chapter status.
Tell us about yourself, how you got to Missouri State and how you got involved with this organization. I completed both my Bachelor degrees here at Missouri State University and I will be graduating with my Masters in May! I currently serve as the Associate Director for the Disability Resource Center and Access Technology Center on campus. I am also an alumna member of Sigma Lambda Gamma. I was initiated in the Summer of 2018 along with my line sisters Dr. Hannah Jayne Harris and Dr. Yvania Garcia-Pusateri. All three of us currently serve as advisors to the Associate Chapter at Missouri State.
How does someone join? What’s the process? Our organization does not participate in the same recruitment process as the Panhellenic Association or National Pan-Hellenic Council sororities. Our intake process starts by attending an interest meeting hosted by current sisters on campus. This meeting will give perspective members an idea of our sorority’s values and how they see themselves fitting into the sisterhood. We also advise that any womxn that are interested in joining the sorority begin attending general Sigma Lambda Gamma events so that they can get to know the current sisters. Prospective members will go through an application process and be interviewed by current sisters. Womxn that are asked to join will then go through an education process to become sisters.
What is your favorite tradition here at Missouri State? Why? My favorite tradition on campus is Fountain Day! When the fountain is turned back on in the spring, it feels like campus comes back to life again.