Please consider partnering with the Student Affairs in Higher Education (SAHE) M.S. program and submitting a proposal for the 2020-21 SAHE Research and Assessment Projects. With your help, I am hoping to generate a list of manageable, yet meaningful projects for both 1st and 2nd year SAHE students to complete during this coming academic year. To that end, please complete the survey below (by Mon., Aug. 10th) to submit ideas for topics you believe would enhance what we know about: 1) students, faculty, and staff in general, and/or 2) programs, services, and experiences that contribute to (or impede) learning and success.
Should a student select the topic you proposed, the primary staff contact’s role will be to work with the student(s) to hone their research questions or measurable outcomes and give them access to existing data, instruments, and/or participants. As you contemplate possible topics, please keep in mind that projects will span two semesters (fall & spring), with data collection and analysis ideally occurring in early-mid spring. If you have more than one idea, please complete a separate survey for each project you are proposing.
The survey does ask you to indicate if the director/manager of the partnering department is aware and supportive of the project being proposed, so please be sure to get their input prior to submitting the survey.
Both 1st and 2nd year students will present their research project and assessment project proposals (including any preliminary findings) during the SAHE Assessment Symposium and will submit abstracts to present their findings at the Graduate Interdisciplinary Forum.
Thank you in advance for supporting the SAHE students in this way. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward ward to continuing this meaningful collaboration!
The link to the proposal form is:
For more information about research and assessment in the SAHE program, including a list of previous projects completed, please visit: