Take a moment to see what’s going on in the Division of Student Affairs.
1. Campus-Wide Memorial Service – Please join us on Thursday, April 25th as we honor students/staff/faculty we have lost in the past year. The Service will take place in the Crystal Room at Kentwood Hall, and starts at 4pm. Learn more here.
2. Career Resources Specialist Open Forum – Join the Career Center at the Open Forums for the candidates for the Career Resources Specialist position.
MSU Career Center: What You Need to Know – The purpose of the presentation is to provide a brief overview of our services and to make a persuasive argument about how we help students prepare for successful careers.
Thursday, April 25th, 10:15-10:45, Glass Hall 342 – Sydney Johnson
3. Office of Student Conduct Assistant Director Open Forum – Join the Office of Student Conduct at the Open Forums for the candidates for the Assistant Director position.
Monday, April 22, 1-2pm, PSU 317 – Tony Vienhage
Wednesday, April 24, 1-2pm, PSU 317 – Morgan Ash
4. Sign up for Bear Crew and House Calls – It’s never to early to volunteer to take part in Bear Crew and House Calls. Become a member of the Bear Crew and welcome incoming students and their families to campus by helping them move into their residence hall rooms. We are looking for volunteers from our current student body, faculty, and staff to help with Missouri State move-in on August 15-17, 2024. House Calls 2024 will take place Wednesday, August 28, 2024. The House Calls program is designed to reach out to residence hall students and give them an opportunity to interact with faculty, staff, and administrators on a more personal level. By visiting individual rooms in the residence halls, volunteers can welcome students, help determine if they need any assistance, and answer any questions they might have.
5. Faculty, Staff, Alumni and Donor Appreciation Event – Join the Missouri State Alumni Association and President Clif Smart for a faculty and staff alumni and donor appreciation event and ice cream social on May 3 at the John Goodman Amphitheater. https://alumni.missouristate.edu/s/1691/bp23/interior.aspx?sid=1691&gid=2&pgid=3726&content_id=3451
6. Get Ready for the Bookstore Annual Tent Sale – Get Excited! It’s time for the Bookstore Annual Tent Sale! April 29th thru May 3rd is your best chance to stock up on BearWear at great prices! The Bookstore annual Tent Sale will be located on the patio on the west side of the building. Hours are Monday thru Thursday from 8:30am – 5:00pm and Friday from 8:30am – 4:00pm (or until sold out). The sale graduates each day:
*Monday: save 50%
*Tuesday: save 55%
*Wednesday: save 60%
*Thursday: save 65%
*Friday: save 75%
Shop early, shop often!
7. Governor Parson’s Visiting Campus – Governor Parson will be at the Davis Harrington Welcome Center on April 25th from 10:30am – 11:15am discussing his book No Turnin’ Back. He will speak, sign books and mingle with attendees. Make plans to attend this event.