Take a moment to see what’s going on this week in the Division of Student of Affairs.
Happy New Year and welcome back to the first day of a new semester! We hope you had an enjoyable, restful break. It’s exciting to welcome back our students today. We look forward to seeing you soon around campus!
1. DOSA Spring All-Staff Meeting – Save-the-Date for the Spring Division of Student Affairs All-Staff meeting on Thursday, February 13th at 8:30am in the PSU Ballroom! More details to follow soon!
2. 2025 Staff Service Awards – Congratulations to the following Division of Student Affairs Staff Members recognized at the annual Staff Luncheon on January 8th for their service to the University. Thank you for all you do for Missouri State and the Division of Student Affairs.
Staff Excellence in University Service:
Jim Huelskamp – Residence Life, Housing and Dining – Full-time
Savonna Owrey – Missouri State Bookstore – Full-time
Forest Keller – Residence Life, Housing and Dining – Part-time
3. Welcome to the Division of Student Affairs – Join us in welcoming our new employees that joined us in December to our division.
Ayesha Farooq – Magers Health and Wellness Center
Moroni Abbott – Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services
Loren Berner – Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services
Eric Hall – Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services
4. Department Spotlight – Public Affairs Support – The public affairs mission defines a primary way in which an education at Missouri State University is different from that of other universities. Learn more about the program.
5. Bear Financials: MSU LEAD On Workshop – Bear Financials: Practical Budgeting for Leaders. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Pummill 206
The Bear Financials workshop equips participants with the essential knowledge and skills to manage budgets effectively and responsibly within the university and foundation settings. This training focuses on understanding the structure and purpose of financial accounts, navigating various budget types, and mastering the tools and processes for payment requests, reimbursements, and financial reporting. Participants will learn to ensure compliance with fiscal policies, make informed financial decisions, and foster accountability within their departments. Through practical examples and guidelines, this training prepares leaders to confidently oversee and optimize their financial resources.
Join fellow MSU LEAD supervisors in ensuring all your accounts add up!
Sponsored by Organizational and Talent Development, HR
To register: MyMissouriState>Professional Development Card>My Learning Connection. Then search for MSU LEAD ON, view details, and request to be registered.