Take a moment to see what’s happening in the Division of Student Affairs. Spring Break starts on Saturday, March 15th! With the students off-campus, relax a bit and think about all the great work you’ve done since January, and get rejuvenated for the 2nd half of the semester.
1. Trivia Afternoon in the Division of Student Affairs – Join the DOSA Social Committee for a fun afternoon of trivia on March 27, 2:30pm-4pm, in PSU Ballroom East. Prizes will be awarded to the top two teams in addition to raffle prizes for anyone in attendance. Teams are limited to 2-6 members per team. Registration prior to the event is encouraged. See the flyer here. Visit this link to register! https://forms.office.com/r/2ULKZDViD2
Questions: Contact toddeuglow@missouristate.edu
2. Spring Family Day at Hammons Field – Spring Family Day at Hammons Field is taking place on Saturday, March 29th with the first pitch at 2pm. Tickets for the Baseball game are now on sale! Each ticket includes a Spring Family Day Baseball Shirt that you can only get with these Spring Family Day tickets. The last day to order tickets is March 14th. Find out more about Spring Family Day here.
3. Student Success Listening Sessions – Encourage your students to sign-up to attend a Student Success Listening Session. This is an opportunity for students to voice their thoughts on student life, engage with faculty and staff, and help shape the future of Missouri State University! Pizza will be served! It’s limited to 25 students each session so students need to register as soon as possible. Students can only attend one session. Share this form with them.
The dates are:
March 11th – Online, 12noon-1pm
4. Update your Voter Registration – New to Greene County/Springfield or have you moved recently? Register or update your voter registration by March 12, 2025 for the upcoming municipal election on April 8th. For more information visit or contact the Office of Public Affairs Support, PSU 131.
5. Lunch and Learns for the Spring – Lunch and Learns are back! All the Lunch and Learns will take place in PSU 317, 12noon-1pm.. Cookies and refreshments will be served. You can RSVP at: https://bit.ly/LnLSP25
The dates are:
March 27 Campus Climate
April 9th FERPA and Open Records
April 24 SGA Student leadership Panel
6. Welcome to the Division – Take a moment to welcome our new staff members to the Division of Student Affairs!
Danuell Johnson – Facilities Management
Brockton Tross – Campus Recreation
Brandon Mork – Counseling Center
Brenda Essary – Student Support and Opportunity Services
Martha Hash – Magers Health and Wellness Center
7. UNUM EAP – UNUM, a service offered to full-time employees by Human Resources, can help you and your immediate family members address life’s many challenges. UNUM offers counseling for work-life issues, assistance with finding child or senior care, help with legal or financial matters and more. For information on services offered by UNUM, visit the Unum.com/lifebalance or call 1-800-854-1446. Topics include relationships, stress, work/life balance, financial issues, and more. All resources are online and private.