Explore Scotland's culture, history and identity during this short-term Study Away experience. You'll enjoy the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the largest arts festival in the world, and the Edinburgh International Festival along with trips to Glasgow and the storied Scottish Highlands. Dance faculty Ruth Barnes will lead this trip to Scotland, where she has experience … [Read more...] about Study Away: Scotland
Each year, Missouri State arranges for acting, musical theatre and dance students to perform for and network with industry professionals in hotspots such as New York City and Los Angeles. Hannah Green lightly hops up and down, her high heels clicking the floor to a steady beat. A few feet away, Nick Driscoll’s mouth is awkwardly poised as he quietly emits … [Read more...] about Showcases ready acting, musical theatre and dance students for the next stage
Brittney Banaei, a senior dance major, recently earned a spot at the Rothberg International School's DanceJerusalem program. She landed in Israel in late August, and has been documenting her journey on her blog "An American Dancer in Israel." This is a preview of her first entry, where we get a peek into the life of a study away student: Man with AK47 Walks Donkey and … [Read more...] about Dance student studying abroad in Israel blogs about experience
Sarah Wilcoxon will join the theatre and dance faculty in the fall to work with both the dance and musical theatre programs. She will also direct Inertia Dance Company. Choreography featured throughout U.S. With an interest in using art to build and shape community,Wilcoxon's work has not just been limited to stage settings: she creates performances that blend research … [Read more...] about Department hires accomplished choreographer for dance, musical theatre
This year’s spring dance concert, “Images in Motion,” will feature new faculty-choreographed works that explore the fleeting nature of human activities in space and time. Each moment frames a never-to-be-repeated, multi-dimensional composition of form, light, color, texture, sound and feeling. Alumnus helps bring vision to stage The concert is inspired by photographer … [Read more...] about Spring concert a study of motion inspired by famed photographer