We’ve upgraded to the latest versions to ensure optimal performance and security.
Blog upgrade update Updated 12/4/24 The blog network’s WordPress version, themes, and plugins have been updated to their latest versions. This week, we are reconfiguring various plugins (add-ons), including Jetpack and Yoast. The process should be complete within the next two weeks as planned. During the upgrade process, the core features of blogs will remain […]
Effective October 1, 2024, Web Strategy and Development (WSD) will discontinue all personal and course websites on the people.missouristate.edu and courses.missouristate.edu subdomains. University web servers will no longer be available for hosting personal and course websites after this date. Furthermore, web servers are not to be used for storing files or creating backups. What does […]
The Office of the Registrar is transitioning the undergraduate and graduate catalogs to a new system. Web Strategy and Development (WSD) is assisting with the transition by switching the catalog information on academic websites to match the content and format of the Registrar’s new catalog system. What is changing? The content and format of catalog pulls […]
Update: 8:19 a.m. All sites are back up and operating normally. Update: 7:44 The site is experiencing server/application errors across various pages and are working to identify and resolve the issue. Note that subdomains are live and we are working to resolve the issue. Example, https://calendar.missouristate.edu/.